Musical language “sol-re-sol”

Over the past three hundred years, about two hundred projects of artificial languages were invited. Unfortunately, all of them were fallen into oblivion, as have been unsuccessful. An interesting musical language, called “sol-re-sol” was created in 1817.

The author was a Frenchman, Jean Francois Syudr. He published the rules of their language in 1817. For forty years, his followers developed a grammar, vocabulary, and theory of the language. In 1868 in Paris, there were writings some compositions using that language.

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Is Horror good or bad?

Tags: horror background music

The fear is short-term and negative feeling. Everyone has their own set of fears. Some are afraid of dental pain, but totally comfortable with the risk of global catastrophe. Fear serves a protective function, protecting the person from the action that could lead to health problems or death. An extreme state of fear is horror and panic that can lead to a nervous breakdown. Nevertheless, many people experience pleasure, watching horror movies. We can assume that it is caused by activating certain processes in the body, in particular, the production of adrenaline.

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How to make music affect the mood?

If the brain is cut in half, each part of the brain continues to live as if two different people. The two hemispheres of the brain control different functions of mental activity.

French physician Broca found that the speech center is located in the left hemisphere of the brain. At the same time, the right side of the brain responsible for image and pattern recognition. Without the right hemisphere, a person cannot recognize people by voice, characteristics and perform the movement in space.

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Why music affects people differently?

Why every style of music affects people selectively?  Why music that goes beyond our favorite styles does not generate emotion in our brain? Can people understand alien music and get an aesthetic pleasure with it?

Very often you can hear as the fans of classical music reject modern musical styles, considering them as primitive. On the other hand, for fans of popular music, symphonic music often represented a lot of sounds which do not cause any emotions. Why does this happening?

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How different sounds do affects us?

It’s much more than appears at first glance. People get through the ears a huge amount of information. It can provide both positive and negative effects on humans. People with hearing problems tend to be hostile, sluggishness, depression, temper, distrust, and even psycho-motor delay. On the other hand, a person may use sound to their … Read more


About a week ago, I was in my home music studio and was reading the article about Brainwaves.
As you know, a different sound can change the emotional state.
Here are some examples of sounds, that I made using a synthesizer.

theta waves: deep sleep

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The story “Starosvetskie landlords” by Russian writer Nicolai Gogol, have lines indicating his understanding of the harmony of noise at that time:
“But the most remarkable in the house – were singing doors. As soon as morning would begin, the door singing distributed throughout the home.

I can not say why they would sing: whether corroded hinges were the cause of it, or the mechanic just handled doors concealed a secret inside them, but the remarkable fact is, that each door had its unique voice: a leading door into the bedroom sang the thinnest descant; the door of dining room wheeze with deep-voices, but the one which was in the hay, issued some strange and raspy moaning sound, so when one would listen attentively he could hear very clearly: father, I’m in freezing! “

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